March 9, 2010 Board Meeting Minutes

March 9, 2010 Board Meeting Minutes



March 9, 2010—  Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting

The regular meeting of the East Central Kansas Cooperative in Education Board of Directors was held March  9, 2010 at the Cooperative Central Office.  Members present were Juanita Peckham, Blaine Cone, Susan Rader, Eric Votaw, Ande Parks, Belinda Rehmer, Susan Christensen, Director and Sue Martin, Clerk of the Board. Pam Davis was also in attendance for a presentation.

Juanita Peckham, Board President called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.

Real World Design Challenge Presentation

Pam Davis, Secondary Extended Learning Teacher, did a Power Point presentation for the Board members.  The presentation consisted of her Wellsville and Baldwin Real World Design Challenge teams and the detailed process they go through in designing for competitions.

Opening Business

Susan Christensen suggested that Pam Davis’s presentation be moved to the first item on the agenda prior to Opening Business and Juanita Peckham suggested the Director’s Contract and an executive session be moved to the last item on the agenda.  Belinda Rehmer made a motion to accept the amended agenda as presented.  Blaine Cone seconded the motion and it carried by a 6-0 vote.

Eric Votaw made a motion to approve the minutes of the February Board meeting.  Susan Rader seconded the motion and it passed with a 6-0 vote.

Ande Parks made a motion to approve the financial reports and disbursements as presented.  Belinda Rehmer seconded the motion and it carried by a 6-0 vote.

New Business

Approve Resignation

Blaine Cone made a motion to accept the resignation of Kelly Wintermantel, BHS paraprofessional.  Ande Parks seconded the motion and it passed by a 6-0 vote.

Approve Contracts

Blaine Cone made a motion to approve paraprofessional contracts for Jamie Lawrenz and Tina Schrock, both ½ time positions at Baldwin Elementary Primary Center.  Eric Votaw seconded the motion and it carried by a 6-0 vote.

Director’s Reports

*Susan Christensen updated the Board on the progress with the new Cooperative   website.

*Informed the Board members of possible legal fees being incurred due to consultations.

*Discussed Career Day being turned over to the districts.

*Long term substitute for SLP on maternity leave.

Director’s Contract

Belinda Rehmer made a motion the Board only go into an executive session at 8:01 PM for 5 minutes for the purpose of discussing the director’s contract.  Eric Votaw seconded the motion and it passed by a 6-0 vote.

The Board came out of executive session at 8:06 PM.

Ande Parks made a motion to approve a two year rolling contract for Susan Christensen, Director, with salary to be determined annually.

The Board came out of executive session at 8:24 PM.

Susan Rader made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:12 PM.  Ande Parks seconded the motion and it carried by a 6-0 vote.