The East Central Kansas Cooperative in Education is by definition an Interlocal, not a Cooperative, as there is no sponsoring district that provides governance. Interlocal #614 is governed by a six-member Board of Directors, comprised of two board members from each participating school district. 

The Board establish policy and oversees the operation of the Interlocal, which functions with all the rights and authority of a school district with the exception of the authority to levy taxes.  A copy of the Interlocal Agreement is available upon request.

Board meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month.

Our Philosophy

We are committed to creating an inclusive, supportive, and welcoming learning environment where all students feel valued, empowered, and equipped to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Our focus is on meeting the needs of every student we serve, with personalized education plans that address individual strengths and challenges. In partnership with their families, we ensure that each child receives a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).

Core Values and Commitments

Legal Compliance and Individualized Education

Instructional Practices

Assessment and Transition

Professional Development and Support

New certified staff receive mentorship from experienced colleagues. 

Board Agenda and Minutes

Fiscal Year 2024-25

07/16/2024 Agenda Minutes

08/13/2024 Agenda Minutes

09/10/2024 Agenda Minutes

10/08/2024 Agenda Minutes

11/12/2024 Agenda Minutes

12/10/2024 Agenda Minutes

01/14/2025 Agenda Minutes

02/11/2025 Agenda Minutes

03/11/2025 Agenda Minutes

04/08/2025 Agenda Minutes

05/13/2025 Agenda Minutes

06/10/2025 Agenda Minutes

Fiscal Year 2023-24

07/11/2023 Agenda Minutes

08/08/2023 Agenda Minutes

09/12/2023 Agenda Minutes

10/10/2023 Agenda Minutes

11/14/2023 Agenda Minutes

11/29/2023 Agenda Minutes

12/04/2023 Agenda Minutes

12/12/2023 Agenda Minutes

01/23/2024 Agenda Minutes

02/13/2024 Agenda Minutes

02/22/2024 Agenda Minutes

02/23/2024 Agenda Minutes

02/27/2024 Agenda Minutes

03/19/2024 Agenda Minutes

04/09/2024 Agenda Minutes

05/09/2024 Agenda Minutes

05/14/2024 Agenda Minutes

06/18/2024 Agenda Minutes

Prior Years

For board documents 2010-present click here.

For documents prior to 2010, please contact the board clerk.

Board Procedures and Guidelines

Authority of Member

Board members shall have authority only when acting as a Board regularly in session or when empowered by Board action to act as a committee.

Powers and Responsibilities

The Board functions with all the rights and authority of a school district, with the exception of the authority to levy taxes. The Interlocal, through its Board of Directors, may exercise the powers and duties as set forth in K.S.A. 72-13,100.

Major duties of the board shall include:

Officers of the Board

The officers of the Board of Directors are a president and a vice president to be elected at the February meeting. The Board officers shall be members of the Board of Directors and shall serve one-year terms.

The president of the Board shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and shall sign all warrants ordered by the Board to be drawn upon the funds of the interlocal, all contracts and other documents as necessary.

The vice president shall perform such duties of the president when the latter is not able to be present.

At its regular July meeting, the Board shall appoint a clerk and a treasurer for the term of one year, who shall not be members of the Board and who shall furnish bond as required by law.

The Clerk shall attend all Board meetings, keeping an accurate journal of the proceedings. He/she shall be responsible for the care and custody of records and documents and make them available for inspection to the Board and the public, and provide other duties as directed by the Board and the Director.

The treasurer shall deposit all monies of the interlocal in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9, Article 14 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated. The treasurer will maintain an accurate accounting of all funds and financial transactions, prepare payroll, countersign all checks as directed by the Board. The treasurer shall also prepare a written report monthly of the finances of the interlocal and shall prepare such other reports as are required by the Board or by law.


The Board of Directors shall meet monthly. During the July meeting, the Board shall adopt a resolution specifying the regular meeting place and time, providing for an alternate date should the regular date fall on a legal holiday. The Board may specify that any regular meeting may be adjourned to another time and place. Any Board member may designate a proxy from their respective district’s board to serve in the event they will be unable to attend. A majority of four Board members shall be necessary at all meetings to constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting any business.

Special Meetings

Special meetings may be called at any time by the Board president or by the joint action of three (3) members of the Board. Written notice stating the time, place, and purpose for which it is called shall be given each Board member at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting unless such notice is waived. No other business shall be transacted other than that stated in the notice. The general public shall be invited to attend all Board meetings, except executive sessions.

Public Participation

The general public shall be invited to attend all Board meetings except executive sessions. Persons wishing to speak to the Board shall first notify the Director or Board Clerk a week prior to the meeting and state the reason(s) for the request in order to be placed on the agenda.

At each meeting, the president may, at his/her discretion, ask patrons in attendance if any of them have something to bring to the attention of the Board. The Board president may impose a time limit or ask groups with the same interest to appoint a spokesperson. If it appears that the matter will consume too much time, the Board shall invite the visitor to return at a regular or special meeting.

Executive Sessions

The Board shall conduct executive sessions only as provided by law. A motion to go into executive session will indicate the purpose of the session, the time the Board will return to open meeting and the statutorily approved reason for executive session, which shall be one of the following:


Order of Business

An agenda shall be prepared by the Director for all regular Board meetings and delivered to Board members prior to the meeting time. The president may change the order of the agenda items if deemed necessary. The Board may, by motion; add or omit others items for consideration to the agenda; except at special meetings. The order of business at regular meetings shall generally be as follows:


Call to Order, Approval of Agenda, Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s), Financial Report and Approval of Bills, Old Business, New Business, Director's Reports, and Adjournment. 


The vote of a majority of the full membership of the Board shall be required for the passage of any motion or resolution.                 The minutes shall indicate whether a motion passed or failed. Each Board member shall have the privilege of explaining his/her vote for the record. Any abstaining vote shall be counted as a "no" vote. (KSA 22-8205)

Any member may declare a conflict of interest in a particular issue and shall leave the meeting until the matter is concluded. The minutes shall reflect the fact a particular member has declared a conflict of interest and left. 


A clear and accurate record of Board actions will be reflected in the minutes. Such minutes shall constitute the official record of proceedings and shall be open to public inspection. A copy of the minutes shall be sent to each Board member prior to the next meeting. Following Board approval, the Board Clerk will maintain an official copy in an official record book.

The Clerk shall serve as the custodian of records and shall make all public records open for inspection or copying. All requests shall be submitted to the Clerk during business hours and shall be acted on in a timely manner. Charges for copying may be assessed if multiple copies are requested.


Board members shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in fulfilling their duties, outside of their normal meetings; Board members who provide their own transportation shall be reimbursed for each mile traveled in attending meetings and in the performance of Interlocal business, other then regular board meetings. Board members shall submit receipts to the Clerk of the Board for reimbursement of expenses they have incurred.


The Board shall retain a qualified attorney through KASB to handle all legal matters referred to him/her by the Board when deemed appropriate.

Depository of Funds

The Board shall designate, by official action recorded in its minutes, the state and national banks; trust companies; and savings and loan companies, which shall serve as depositories for school district funds for each fiscal year. The Board treasurer shall deposit funds only in such designated banks, trust companies, and savings and loan companies.