Schools Served by ECKCE
ECKCE currently serves 714 students with disabilities, which include:
249 students in Baldwin City schools.
Baldwin City is in Douglas County about 12 miles south of Lawrence, with a population of about 4,900. It is home to Baker University, the state's oldest university. Click for more.
290 students in Eudora schools.
Eudora is in Douglas County about 10 miles east of Lawrence and 15 miles west of Johnson County and the Greater Kansas City Metro Area, with a population of about 6,400. Click for more.
175 students in Wellsville schools.
Wellsville is in Franklin County, about 15 miles from Olathe and 10 miles from Ottawa University, with a population of about 1,950.
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Special Education Staff
56 Adaptive Educators
7 School Psychologists
8 Speech/Language Pathologists
6 Social Workers
3 Gifted Educators
3.2 Occupational Therapists and 1 Certified OT Assistant
129 Paraprofessionals
Leadership Team
Director and Assistant Director
WEBS Administrator
Integration Specialist
SEL Coordinator / PD Coordinator
Transition Specialist
Behavior Specialist
Autism Coordinator
Clerk of the Board
Human Resources
MIS Clerk
More than 90% of ECKCE staff surveyed in 2024 reported high morale and a positive culture
Some typical comments from teachers include:
"I am thankful for the staff in my building. The majority of them have huge hearts for children, fun personalities, and good work ethic. I think we do a great job of starting our learners out on the right foot and help them to be prepared for future expectations."
"I feel blessed to work in a district that cares about students and staff, and allows people to become involved in decision-making. I feel that I am valued at the schools and the cooperative. I have excellent peers with whom I feel I can consult successfully."
Special Programs
Autism Interdisciplinary Team - Provides screening, assists with identification, offers training, and collaboratively supports youth with autism spectrum disorder.
Behavior Specialist Support - Consults and collaborates with school intervention and special education teams to develop interventions that support student success.
Bridges Transition Program - A community-based program to assist transition from school to adult life for students through age 21 with intellectual disabilities.
CARDS Autism Program - The Comprehensive Autism Resources and Developmental Services Classroom serves students grades K-5 in need of intensive support.
Early Childhood Program - Provides special services for children ages 3-5 with delays in one or more areas of development.
Gifted Services - Special services for students capable of performing at significantly higher academic levels than same-age peers due to aptitude.
Life Skills Programs - Focuses on acquisition of functional life or daily living skills for students with developmental, severe and/or multiple disabilities.
WEBS Program - The Wellsville, Eudora, and Baldwin Schools program provides a therapeutic learning environment for students experiencing significant behavioral challenges.