Teams must document that assessments for an initial evaluation or reevaluation were selected and administered so as not to be discriminatory.

Do Your Assessments Look Like This?

Unbiased assessments.mp4

In any Evaluation or Reevaluation

We Must Affirm that we Do NOT Behave This Way

Legal Requirement

Teams must document that assessments used during initial or reevaluation are selected and administered without racial or cultural discrimination.

This includes


To ensure that evaluations accurately reflect the student's abilities rather than being influenced by racial, cultural, or linguistic biases.

How is Compliance Determined?

The most recent initial evaluation or reevaluation record should document that non-discrimination was considered. This may appear in prior written notice forms, evaluation reports, teacher/provider notes, or other records. Staff can reference assessment technical manuals or include notes explaining how non-discrimination was ensured.

When Does This Apply?

For assessments or evaluations used as part of initial evaluation or reevaluation.

Eligibility Documentation Examples

You can access a folder with more examples including those for specific tests here.

If instructed to do so CLICK to take a short quiz

verifying you completed this training

What do you think of this PD?

In the interest of improving ECKCE's professional development, you'll always have a chance to weigh in after PD sessions.  Please click here to tell us what you think.  Your input will always go directly to the admin team as well as to the presenter/trainer.

Please indicate on the survey that this PD was by Jim Persinger.