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Utilization of Paraprofessionals in the Classroom

The special education para is a team member who works alongside the special education teacher. S/he not only frees the teacher from the more routine tasks of the classroom, but also serves as an effective part of the educational team. With differentiated responsibilities, s/he carries out the programs developed by the special

education professionals. However, it is important to note that paras are not teachers and should not be used to take the place of one during instructional time.


In order to use a para effectively, the teacher must first have a clear vision of his/her own role as a teacher. S/he needs to understand the hierarchy of the instructional tasks and then decide which ones best involve his/her time and which ones should be delegated to his/her assistant. The amount and quality of professional supervision given is crucial in deciding what duties paras can and should perform. There is almost universal agreement that the diagnosis of educational needs and the planning and design of programs and procedures to meet those needs are professional functions. The role of the para is to provide support to the approved special education personnel in the educational program, management of students, and assistance with non-instructional tasks. It is not the purpose of para support to foster dependence in a student. Data should be kept to determine the kind and the amount of support that meets the needs of the student. As the child gains skills and confidence, this support should be faded. As it pertains to IEPs, inclusion time (which actually translates into the amount of time a para spends with a student) should not be given in a blanket statement. Rather, it should be given in terms that provide coverage during specific kinds of activities. Again, this should be based on the needs of the student and data should be kept. The principal and special education director are available for consultation with the teacher if questions or problems related to supervision of a para arise.

Differentiation Between Teacher and Paraprofessional Responsibilities

Supervising Teacher Responsibilities

1. Diagnoses educational needs associated with testing and other types of assessment.

2. Plans instructional programs and process; copies, transcribes

3. Grades students’ performance

4. Takes responsibility for teaching new concept and skill in classroom activity

5. Revises instructional programs

6. Designs instructional materials

7. Designs and implements behavior intervention plan

8. Communicates with parents

9. Implements behavior programs

Paraprofessional Responsibilities

1. Scores and compiles data

2. Assists with the planning files, etc.

3. Checks and scores student work

4. Reinforces and reviews concepts and skills. Assists students in per-forming activities initiated by the supervising teacher

5. Monitors student progress in instructional programs and relates findings to supervising teacher

6. Helps develop instructional materials designed by the supervising teacher

7. Monitors and reinforces student performance on behavioral interventions through observation; may assume data collection and other record keeping duties

8. Maintains records associated with the parent conferencing procedures; may confirm conference dates

9. Manages students during times when the teacher is involved in the regular performance of professional duties or has emergency reasons for being out of the classroom; plays supportive management role when supervising teacher is present

The Paraprofessional May:

1. Be left alone in the classroom for short periods of time when the supervising teacher is away. The supervising teacher remains responsible for the

classroom at all times and must remain accessible.

2. Work without direct supervision with individuals or

groups of students.

3. Have specific tutorial and management responsibilities for the students.

4. Be involved in student staffing.

5.Be used to support the integration of exceptional students into regular classes by tutoring these students

in regular class assignments and giving tests orally, etc.

6.Be assigned record keeping tasks relevant to the

classroom assignment

7. Assist the supervising teacher in supervision assemblies and group field trips. Take individual students on job related activities, job interviews, curriculum-based recreation, shopping ect.

The Paraprofessional May Not:

1. Be used as a substitute for a certified teacher.

2. Teach independently new concepts and skills.

3. Be given primary responsibility for working with individual students

4. Be assigned to attend a student staffing in lieu of the

supervising teacher.

5.Be given primary responsibility for mainstreaming one or more students or used to teach regular

curriculum content to non-exceptional students **(see below).

6.Be used to carry out clerical responsibilities usually

assigned to other staff.

7.Take full responsibility for supervising field trips, assemblies or other on teaching duties usually assigned to teacher, e.g., hall duty, extra duty, school clubs, ect.

Establish Teamwork

Teachers often have not had the opportunity to supervise other adults. The following list suggests things teachers can do to establish a good working relationship with a para.


1.   Communicate daily; this is essential to building a program which is responsive to handicapped learners.

2.   Listen to suggestions or ideas. Be careful not to hurt feelings if the suggestions or ideas are not taken.

3.   Give the para feedback about his/her performance.

4.   Model professionalism at all times.

5.   Discuss problems IMMEDIATELY. Do not let them grow by ignoring them.

6.   Give instructions that are clear and can be followed.

7.   Remember all final decisions are up to the teacher.

8.   Do not talk about problems with a para to other paras!

9.   Ask for feedback, it helps in communication.

10.   Make sure you teach classroom procedures (i.e. to restroom, recess, lunch, drinks, and fire drills) to the para.

11.   Help the para become familiar with the types of children served in the classroom.

12.   Help the para become familiar with your academic approach.

13.   Help the para become familiar with the various types of academic equipment and materials used in the classroom.

14.   Mutual respect and support between the teacher and the para must be shown at all times.

15.   Work with the para on consistency in handling rules and rewards in the classroom.

16.   If work problems arise and you have discussed them unsuccessfully with your para, discuss it with the building principal. This is a personnel issue and must be handled professionally.

Para's Checklist

The following list may be used to help the teacher develop an initial working relationship with a para new to the classroom.

1.   What are your special and regular duties?

2.   What records are you responsible for keeping?

3.  What special services are available to the classroom and the school in which you work?

4.  What schedules are you responsible for following?

5.  What emergency provisions apply to your situations?

6.  When do pupils come? When do they leave?

7.  Where and when will the pupils in your classroom play?

8.  What are the most significant playground regulations?

9.  For what lunchtime activities will you be responsible?

10.   Where are the supplies kept and how are they obtained?

11.   What equipment is available and how is it obtained?

12.   What is the line of communication and authority you are to follow?

13.   If you are responsible for working with more than one teacher, how is your time divided?

14.   What pupil records are available to you?

15.   To whom should you direct questions concerning school policy?

16. With whom should you discuss a problem concerning relationships?

17.   What should my response be when a parent raises a question on their child's functioning in the classroom?

18.   What is expected of you in terms of pupil discipline?

19.   What course should you follow if you feel that you do not have enough to do?

20.   How does your teacher view the teacher/para relationship?

Paraprofessional Evaluation

Access to the paraprofessional evaluation tool is here.

Paras will be evaluated by their supervising teacher, in collaboration with their building principal when appropriate, no later than March 31 using the evaluation form found on the ECKCE website. The evaluation must be reviewed with the para and both teacher and para will sign the document, which is then sent to the ECKCE office to be placed in the paras employment file. The paraprofessional may respond to the evaluation on the form itself, or they may attach their own response at any time. Paras receiving unsatisfactory evaluation in one or more areas may be subject to corrective action, up to and including termination at the discretion of the principal and the director.